Cassandra Brown
Pilates Instructor
email: info@raisethebarsp.ca
education: Stott Pilates Apprentice Instructor
Meet Cassandra Brown!
She loves
- Coffee, coffee, coffee
- Wifey
- Sundresses
- Anything vintage
You may not know: I love antiques and old houses! Growing up, we would drive to tiny towns just for an antique shop. Still a favourite hobby of mine! I dream of one day flying to South Carolina, renting a U-haul and driving back up to Canada; stopping at as many antique shops as I possibly can!
Mantra: Your life will be beautiful, but first it will make you strong.
Where do you spend your weekends:
Winter: At home, enjoying our acreage! Or in the mountains.
Summer: At Sylvan Lake, surfing, any chance I get! Otherwise at my grandmas cabin, which is one of my favourite places in the world.
Something to know about me: I love sharing what I am passionate about! I enjoy laughing, singing, dancing, visiting new places and meeting amazing people! My goal is to fill my life with humans who bring me joy. Hoping that I can do the same for them!