Hannah Mansell
Pilates Instructor
‘Hannah is a proud Brit, originally hailing from the United Kingdom. She moved over to Canada with her husband in 2007 where they now live with their two beautiful daughters. Hannah has worked in the Fitness Industry in both the UK and Canada for over 15 years as a Stott Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer.
Her fitness philosophy is it should always be fun! We all have goals to reach but your exercise time is also your free social time, so she tries to make each class enjoyable and amusing with her own British flair, sprinkling in a generous amount of fun!! Hannah loves to make sure all her classes are inclusive, and everybody feels welcomed and when they leave the class, they feel fabulous with a smile on their faces!
In her down time, she likes to be with her family and friends, Ice skating as much as the weather will allow in the winter and going for camping adventures in the summer in whatever old project camper her hubby is currently working on. Her Favorite foods are Caesar salad and brownies (not together ?), and her Favorite movie is Home alone (the original!) she can annoyingly recite all the words.